Sunday, December 12, 2010

So far so good

Sunday morning in Santiago. Things are going faaar to smooth. The weather is great, food is good and wine is plentiful and really, really good. Chris (Vosloo)recommended that we try the Chilean Malbek, and I must say Cab Sav may just lose its position as my default liquid of preference.

Last night we enjoyed great jazz at a jazz club close by.
Santiago is a great city. We are very impressed with the efficiency of the public transport which is the best that we have experienced in any city. The newer parts of Santiago, appropriately dubbed Sanhattan, is very impressive in terms of architecture and general feel. Business and apartment blocks are blend well to create a nice feel.

Isabel Allende's Inez of my Soul is a must-read for any visitor to Santiago. We visited Santa Lucia where Pedro de Valdivia and Inez Suarez founded the city somewhere between 1500 and 1600. Isabel Allendes descriptive language just took on a new meaning in terms of explaining the events that took place.

The heart of the tour is getting closer by the minute. Le Roux just informed me that Sonia managed to get me a low seat for the motorbike. This is great news for a height-challenged soul in a foregn country close to the Antactic. You don't need an uncomfortable or unfamiliar saddle when you are sitting on 100 BMW horses!

As I said, things are going faaar to smooth.....

1 comment:

  1. Watter ontberings moet julle nie als oorleef nie!

    Hou matigheid voor oë.

